Ross Shales for Representative of the 1st District of Louisiana

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Ross Shales’s Platform

  1. Federal tax breaks for Fortified Roofs to help Louisianians better protect their homes and attain less expensive property insurance and more federal grants for raising homes.

  2. Increased federal funding for jobs training with an emphasis on 2-year college training programs.

  3. A constitutional amendment for term limits for Congress and the Supreme Court.

  4. Work to develop green energy programs and industry in the state and seek opportunities to promote natural gas as a transition energy while maintaining the understanding that global warming is a special threat to Louisiana.

  5. Immigration laws that safely protect our borders while allowing people to immigrate to Louisiana and help grow our economy.

  6. Balance the budget responsibly.

  7. Redraft the 2nd Amendment as a nation to ensure responsible gun ownership and require reasonable gun safety. 

  8. A ban on abortions after the 21st week with broad exceptions including ensuring the mother’s health and the fetus’ viability.

  9. Complete rejection of the Project 2025 Presidential Transition Project or Project 2025.

  10. Peace in the Middle East to promote global stability with Israel maintaining the right to self-determination and defense of its nation and the Palestinian people having the right to their own state-governed by their people and not a terrorist organization.

  11. Peace with Russia with the agreements that they   immediately withdraw from the Ukrainian land they have taken since 2022 and, in turn, Russia join NATO in 10 years.

  12. The GOP likens itself as the party of ideas and integrity.  We should hold ourselves to a higher standard than our opponents.  Our congressional leader should maintain the courage to hold himself/herself and all constituents to those values and be willing to stand up to those who do not, so that we become the next great generation.

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