
I am Ross Shales. I am a lifelong citizen of Louisiana except for when I was born in France where my parents were stationed with the Army and during my tour of duty in Germany and 3 campaigns in Iraq. I have been an insurance agent in the Greater New Orleans area for 30 years, and I very much enjoy my profession. I live in New Orleans with my wife, Mary, and have 4 children, Haley, Sara, Hope and Kristin. Brutus, our part terrier and chihuahua and Echo, our really large cat, rule the roost.

I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from LSU and a master’s from Notre Dame Seminary (No, I was not studying to be a priest.)

I have spent much of my life as an educator, teaching in Plaquemines and Jefferson Parish schools. I was an instructor in the military as part of my 22 years of service, I taught Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults classes in several churches, and I currently head continuing education classes with real estate agents as part of our insurance agency’s connection to that industry. I really love engaging with people in matters of learning.

I passionately believe that we are living in a time of wonderful opportunities. We have some tough challenges as well, but the real fact is we have the chance and the responsibility to become the next Great Generation.

I believe I have the integrity, the vision and the drive to help lead, and I can only help lead, we very much need all our determined input, to lift our district and Louisiana to new heights.